Stream Boss Team, our new app has been updated. Please be sure to update your app to access the below features:
How to update app:
Login to your Stream Boss App
Go to Settings > APP > Check Update
Restart you app
New Remote Control App (COMING SOON)
Option to Play next Episode – New Feature
TV, Series and VOD’s icon issue fixed.
Recently Added Category has been added to Series
M3U parse issue fixed.
EZServer 4.3 EPG API support added
Other Bugs Fixed
I meant it in the context of using it at home but if guest are over or children using the app anyyone can easily get your password.
No This is for home personal use. It’s not intended to be outside of a family
I think it would Be a huge benefit if you could password protect you're settings so no one could click on settings, sign out and try to sign back in and see your password because for some reason my password is automatically saved and if you click on the eye icon you can then see the password. Is there some way to prevent that?